Training Addresses Patients' Social Needs

Research Brief

Training Addresses Patients' Social Needs


Physicians can play an important role in addressing social conditions in which patients live and that influence their health—so-called social determinants of heath (SDH). In a pilot study, Lauren Shapiro, M.D., Darlene LeFrancois, M.D., and colleagues showed that a novel curricular intervention can help medical residents identify SDH in an outpatient setting and reduce the need for social work referrals. Thirty-eight internal medicine residents at two Montefiore outpatient clinics participated in a curriculum focused on recognizing SDH via triggers such as missed medical visits and uncontrolled chronic diseases. Compared to a control group that did not receive training, the trained residents submitted 47 percent fewer social work referrals over the 16-month study. The results, published online on April 13 in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, suggest that similar programs could lead to better recognition of social determinants of health. Dr. Shapiro is an assistant professor of medicine at Einstein and director of the Einstein Montefiore Internal Medicine Residency Program. Dr. Darlene LeFrancios is associate professor of medicine and director of medical education for the Einstein Montefiore Internal Medicine Residency Program.