Presidential Lecture Celebrates Innovative Research


Presidential Lecture Celebrates Innovative Research


On May 1, 2018, Betsy Herold, M.D. and William Jacobs Jr., Ph.D. presented their development of a novel vaccine to combat herpes simplex virus (HSV) at the Presidential Lecture in Robbins Auditorium. Einstein and Montefiore instituted this annual lecture last year, to highlight outstanding research that demonstrates the partnership between the institutions.

Dr. Herold and Dr. Jacobs each acknowledged the advantage of bringing together clinicians and scientists through the Montefiore-Einstein partnership. Dr. Jacobs remarked “Working with Betsy has changed my whole view because of the cross-fertilization of looking at problems from varying points of reference.”

Likewise, Dr. Herold, a physician-scientist who works on both campuses, observed how clinicians can make a greater impact on medicine by partnering with researchers. She said, “It goes both ways. There are clinicians who would like to contribute to basic and translational research, but find it difficult to develop collaborations with scientists, particularly with the geography of two campuses.”

Both researchers applauded efforts like the Presidential Lecture to bring Einstein and Montefiore together. “Expanding communication and bridging the two halves of Einstein and Montefiore will strengthen the institution,” noted Dr. Herold.

Dr. Jacobs agreed, alluding, on a highly personal note, to his own deteriorating eye sight. “I’ve loved being here at Einstein and the collaborative atmosphere that we have here. And even though I’m going blind, I still have a vision of what we can do in the world. We’re at Einstein, and Einstein said ‘Imagination is more important than knowledge.’ Let’s always keep that in mind.”

Dr. Herold is professor of pediatrics, of microbiology & immunology, and of obstetrics & gynecology and women’s health, holds the Harold and Muriel Block Chair in Pediatrics, and is director of the Translational Prevention Research Center at Einstein. She also is vice chair for research in pediatrics and chief of the division of pediatric infectious disease at Montefiore. Dr. Jacobs is professor of microbiology & immunology and of genetics, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator, and the Leo and Julia Forchheimer Chair in Microbiology & Immunology at Einstein.

View the full event, which includes introductions from Drs. Steven Safyer, Allen Spiegel and Pamela Stanley.