Insights into Autoimmunity

Research Brief

Insights into Autoimmunity


There are more than 80 types of autoimmune diseases, which occur when immune cells aberrantly attack the body’s own cells or tissues. CD8 T cells strongly contribute to the pathology observed in type 1 diabetes and many other autoimmune diseases. Teresa DiLorenzo, Ph.D., and Steven Almo, Ph.D., have received a five-year, $3.5 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to fill in critical knowledge gaps regarding the protein-protein interactions that occur when CD8 T cells target and damage tissue. CD8 T cells also help eliminate disease-causing microbes and tumors, so knowledge gained from studying autoreactive CD8 T cells should improve understanding of T-cell biology in general. The research may also lead to more effective ways to manipulate and harness the immune system to prevent disease and improve health. Dr. DiLorenzo is professor of microbiology & immunology and of medicine and Diane Belfer, Cypres & Endelson Families Faculty Scholar in Diabetes Research at Einstein. Dr. Almo is professor and chair of biochemistry, professor of physiology & biophysics, and Wollowick Family Foundation Chair in Multiple Sclerosis and Immunology at Einstein. (1R01AI123730-01A1)