Eating Twice a Day Keeps Fat Away

Research Brief

Eating Twice a Day Keeps Fat Away


In a study published online on October 26 in Cell Metabolism, Einstein researchers found that feeding mice just twice a day decreases fat tissue and enhances muscle mass. By contrast, mice allowed to consume the same number of daily calories whenever they wanted did not obtain those benefits. The researchers found the fasting period created by twice-daily feeding activated the cellular cleansing process known as autophagy in liver, fat, brain, and muscle tissues in young and old mice. This lowered glucose and lipid levels without the muscle loss that usually accompanies calorie restriction. The findings suggest that twice-a-day feeding without restricting calories could help prevent obesity and type 2 diabetes as well as the metabolic decline that occurs when autophagy becomes less efficient in old age. Senior author Rajat Singh, M.D., M.B.B.S., is associate professor of medicine and of molecular pharmacology at Einstein.