Tracing the Origin of Breast Tissue

Research Brief

Tracing the Origin of Breast Tissue


Researchers had long assumed that two of the main types of human mammary tissue--estrogen-receptor positive and estrogen-receptor negative cells—develop from a single type of stem cell. Now, Wenjun Guo, Ph.D., and his group have collaborated with Maja Oktay, M.D., Ph.D., to show that these two cell types are derived from and maintained by two distinct stem cell populations. Their study published online on March 21 in Cell Reports, used genetic techniques to monitor cells over multiple generations in a mouse model of mammary development. These findings have important clinical applications, since breast cancers are classified and treated based on whether they are estrogen-receptor positive or negative. Dr. Guo is assistant professor of cell biology. Dr. Oktay is associate professor of pathology and of anatomy and structural biology.