Investigating Enzymes

Research Brief

Investigating Enzymes


Sulfotransferases (SULT) are enzymes that regulate the activities of hundreds of metabolites, including the activity of many drugs.  Dr. Leyh and his group have discovered that SULTS are regulated by allosteres — small-molecule metabolites that bind to SULTS at pockets distinct from their catalytic sites. These findings have increased understanding of the molecular basis of SULT function and may lead to ways of designing allosteres that can control SULT function. Such man-made allosteres could potentially help in treating diseases including addiction, depression, Parkinson’s disease, HIV infection and obesity. To that end, the National Institute of General Medical Sciences has awarded Thomas S. Leyh, Ph.D., a four-year, $1.5 million grant to characterize SULT-allostere binding structures. Dr. Leyh is professor of microbiology & immunology. (1R01GM121849-01)