Researching Insulin Resistance

Research Brief

Researching Insulin Resistance


The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases has awarded Jeffrey Pessin, Ph.D., a five-year, $3 million grant to study how selective insulin resistance (SIR) affects the body’s lipid production. SIR is marked by abnormally high levels of both lipids and glucose, and the underlying molecular mechanisms aren’t fully known. Dr. Pessin’s recent work in fruit flies, mice and tissue culture cell systems have shown that insulin and diet affect Mediator, a multiprotein complex that connects several different factors that influence RNA polymerase, the enzyme that transcribes DNA into RNA. Dr. Pessin will investigate the mechanisms by which insulin and diet influence Mediator, and how this interaction affects lipid production genes. Dr. Pessin is director of Einstein’s Diabetes Research Center, as well as the Judy R. and Alfred A. Rosenberg Professorial Chair in Diabetes Research and is professor of medicine and molecular pharmacology. (1R01DK110063-01)