David Cowburn

Research Brief

David Cowburn


Probing Nuclear Pores—The movement of molecules such as messenger RNA (mRNA) between the cell nucleus and cytoplasm is tightly controlled by nuclear pore complexes (NPCs), which work with great speed and specificity. Using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Dr. David Cowburn and colleagues at the Rockefeller University have provided the first detailed description at the atomic scale of the structures that control NPCs. Altered transit of molecules through the nuclear pores can have important health implications. Two recent Nature papers, for example, found that the most common form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) may result from a mutation that clogs nuclear pores in brain cells. A better understanding of NPCs could potentially lead to novel treatments for ALS and other diseases. The findings were published in the September 15 issue of the online journal eLife. Dr. Cowburn is professor of biochemistry and of physiology & biophysics.