Xingxing Zang

Research Brief

Xingxing Zang


Innovative Teamwork to Develop Drugs Under an agreement signed late last year between Pfizer, Inc. and Einstein, Pfizer will collaborate with Dr. Xingxing Zang on cancer immunotherapy research. Pfizer’s funding and other assistance for this projects comes through the pharmaceutical company’s Centers for Therapeutic Innovation, one of Pfizer’s research units that is focused on academic-industry collaborations and designed to transform innovative, early-stage scientific discoveries into new drugs. Dr. Zang’s research focuses on immunotherapy, which involves modulating the immune system—revving it up or slowing it down—to treat major diseases including cancer and autoimmune diseases. During the course of the project, research will be carried out at Einstein’s core facilities as well as at Pfizer. Dr. Zang is associate professor of microbiology & immunology and of medicine and the Miriam Mandel Faculty Scholar in Cancer Research at Einstein.