Laura Santambrogio

Research Brief

Laura Santambrogio


Detecting Aging  Einstein scientists have shown for the first time how aging affects lymph vessels and the flow of lymph in the body and how lymph drainage helps clear bacteria following infection. The study headed by Dr. Laura Santambrogio published in the May issue of Aging Cell. The normal movement of lymphatic through lymph vessels and on to lymph nodes helps to clear disease-causing microbes and waste products of cellular metabolism. In addition, lymph flow delivers immune cells to lymph nodes and prevents edema by maintaining body fluid homeostasis. Dr. Santambrogio and colleagues found important differences in lymph vessels and lymph flow in adult (9-month old) and aged (24-month old) rats. For example, the external surface of lymph vessels in aged rats were significantly more permeable compared with adult rats. Such observations help explain why aged lymph vessels are less able to maintain fluid transport and why bacteria can more readily escape from them. Dr. Santambrogio is associate professor of pathology, of microbiology & immunology and of orthopaedic surgery.