Alan Wolkoff

Research Brief

Alan Wolkoff


Renewal Funding — The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Kidney Diseaseshas awarded Dr. Allan Wolkoff a five-year, $6.25 million renewal grant to support research on liver disorders at Einstein’s Liver Pathobiology and Gene Therapy Research Core Center. More than 30 million Americans are estimated to suffer from liver disorders, and liver disease is 1 of the 10 leading causes of death in the United States. The core conducts basic and translational liver-related research aimed at improving treatment and prevention of liver disorders. Dr. Wolkoff is director of Einstein’s Marion Bessin Liver Research Center, as well as professor of medicine and of anatomy & structural biology. He also is chief of the division of gastroenterology and liver diseases at Montefiore Medical Center and associate chair for research in the department of medicine. And, he holds the Herman Lopata Chair in Liver Disease Research.