Peer Dar

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Peer Dar

Peer Dar, MD

Areas of Expertise

  • Fetal Medicine
  • Prenatal screening
  • Ultrasound
  • High-risk pregnancy
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Expert Summary

Dr. Dar was trained in obstetrics and gynecology and high risk pregnancy in Israel and completed further training in obstetrics and gynecology and clinical genetics in the U.S. In addition, Dr. Dar completed training in fetal surgery in Europe. Dr. Dar specializes in prenatal screening, including first trimester screening for Down syndrome; Detailed fetal anatomy scans in early and late second trimester (including early transvaginal scans); Fetal echocardiography; Neurosonography; CVS; amniocentesis; cordocentesis and placental biopsies. He also performs in utero procedures and surgery, which includes Fetoscopic laser ablation for twin to twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS), RFA for TRAP syndrome, EXIT procedures, Selective fetal reductions, fetal blood transfusions, in-utero placement of vesico-amniotic shunts and thoracoamniotic shunts.