More Than Two Hundred Montefiore Associates Complete Tour de Bronx

News Release

More Than Two Hundred Montefiore Associates Complete Tour de Bronx


BRONX, NY (October 20, 2008) - More than 200 Montefiore Medical Center associates braved brisk autumn temperatures and their choice of a 25- or 40-mile bike ride yesterday at the 14th Annual Tour de Bronx.  Montefiore's continuing support for the event as a major sponsor was recognized by Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrion, who presented Montefiore President Steven M. Safyer, M.D., with a Certificate of Appreciation on the courthouse steps before some 5,000 riders began to pedal their way along scenic routes through the borough.  

"The Tour de Bronx is an exhilarating salute to healthy living and a brilliant showcase for the beauty and vitality of our borough," said Steven M. Safyer, MD, president and CEO, Montefiore.  "This event exemplifies our focus on advancing the health of the communities we serve and our team enjoyed a beautiful day of biking with colleagues, families and neighbors."

Dr. Safyer, Peter Selwyn, MD, Chairman, Department of Social and Family Medicine, Gary Kalkut, MD, Chief Medical Officer and Milton Anderson, SVP, Human Resources led the Montefiore contingent of cycling associates who represented Pediatrics, Cardiology, Neurology, Engineering, Family Medicine, Patient Health Education, Real Estate, EHIT, Marketing and Nursing, among others.  The event also inaugurated a more comprehensive wellness initiative at Montefiore called, "Healthy Living".

"Our "Healthy Living" initiative to date includes training Zumba (aerobic Latin dance) instructors in our community health centers, increasing access to fresh fruit and vegetables in underserved neighborhoods and working closely with community partners to create healthier local environments," said Dr. Selwyn.

 "As the growing epidemic of obesity and diabetes impacts heavily on the Bronx, it is essential for us to support health promotion and wellness activities for our patients, our communities, our co-workers and ourselves," Dr. Selwyn said. "Events such as the Tour de Bronx are a great way to increase awareness about the importance of exercise and a healthy environment."
