Dr. Brett Fortune Joins Einstein Montefiore


Dr. Brett Fortune Joins Einstein Montefiore


The Department of Medicine and Division of Hepatology welcome Brett Fortune, M.D., M.Sc., the new medical director of the liver transplant program and associate professor of medicine (hepatology). He comes from the liver program at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell. We sat down with Dr. Fortune to ask him about his plans.

What are the major liver transplant issues in the Bronx, and how will you address them?

One of the things that excites me about joining Montefiore Medical Center is its investment in the local community. Montefiore has been unwavering in its commitment to addressing healthcare disparities and inequities. These disparities were glaringly evident during the COVID pandemic.

One key objective is early recognition of liver disease. Based on public health data, the Bronx community experiences a higher prevalence of liver disease than other regions. So, it is imperative that we devote time and effort towards effective community screening and surveillance programs and assist those with advanced liver disease who need transplantation. I intend to work with my colleagues to increase education and support for those suffering with liver disease in the Bronx and throughout the city.  

How will you improve early recognition of liver disease?

Our team will reach out to providers, patients, and caregivers so that everyone understands how to recognize important signs and symptoms and improve access to screening tests. We also plan to revitalize efforts in community engagement, including developing community champions, and roll out a series of education programs to help generate awareness about liver disease.

April is Donate Life Month. Will you be seeking more living donors?

Yes, part of our outreach efforts will include education to inform people about the benefits and importance of registering as organ donors. Due to the growing demand of those in need of an organ transplant, especially in New York, it is vital that our programs provide information about organ donation and address the national organ shortage.

Our program will also provide more information about living organ donation, which is an opportunity to give a gift of life to those in most need. 

Which liver conditions are most prevalent in the Bronx?

Now that we have effective medications to treat hepatitis B and C, alcohol-related liver and metabolic fatty liver diseases have become the most common liver diseases including in our region. We plan to develop care pathways to help patients and primary care providers detect and evaluate early liver disease, particularly among those with elevated BMI and diabetes.

Given the substantial increase in alcohol use during COVID, early screening for alcohol use disorder is important. Early referral to our liver team will be critical for those suffering from advanced alcohol or metabolic liver diseases. Our plan will be to use a multidisciplinary approach—not just hepatologists and primary care doctors— but also with addiction specialists, patient advocates, advocacy groups, endocrinologists, obesity management experts, nutritionists, and physical therapists to help patients and their families. We want to destigmatize and advocate for patients to seek medical attention prior to advanced disease stages. Additionally, we’ll analyze our current liver cancer screening programs to make sure that patients at high cancer risk have proper access to imaging screening programs.

Enhancing detection and increasing access to effective treatments for viral hepatitis will also remain a major objective for the liver team.

Do you do research?

Something that is near and dear to me is to develop and nurture a liver transplant clinical research program. Einstein is renowned for liver research, and I hope to enhance our liver research program through the transplant center that can offer patients state-of-the-art interventions and treatments.

Is there anything that you would like to add?

I’m very excited to work with Dr. Milan Kinkhabwala and my medical transplant hepatology colleagues to expand our role in innovation and research in the field of liver diseases and provide patients with the best care.