New Farmers Market at Montefiore Brings Fresh Food to the Community

News Release

New Farmers Market at Montefiore Brings Fresh Food to the Community


Market Held Every Thursday from 11 a.m.-3 p.m.

BRONX, NY (July 22, 2009) -- A new open-air Farmers Market at Montefiore Medical Center is providing fresh, locally grown foods directly to patients, hospital employees, visitors, and the community. The farmers market is held every Thursday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. now through October.

Located outside the main entrance of Montefiore's Moses Division at East 210th  Street and Rochambeau, the market features a selection of fresh and organic goods including fruits and vegetables, baked goods, fresh pasta, meat and fish, nuts, pickles, olives and cheeses.

Providing easy access to quality, fresh food reflects Montefiore's commitment to advancing the health of the communities it serves.

"Montefiore 's role as a major institution in the Bronx extends far beyond the patient care we provide. We take responsibility for the health and wellness of our community, which is heavily affected by chronic conditions such as diabetes, asthma, hypertension and obesity," said Steven M. Safyer, M.D., President and CEO, Montefiore Medical Center. "By providing access to fresh and nutritious foods in a convenient location, we offer a vital service to local residents, as well as our patients, visitors and employees."

The market's opening generated such a positive response from local residents and hospital associates that plans are underway to establish similar markets at additional Montefiore locations.
