Montefiore Behavioral Health Center (MBHC)

Montefiore Behavioral Health Center (MBHC)

Montefiore Behavioral Health Center

Location: 2527 Glebe Avenue, Bronx NY, 10461

Who we serve:

We provide care to children and adults ages 4 and up with a primary psychiatric diagnosis.

Services we offer:

Individual psychotherapy, group psychotherapy and medication management services, and primary care services.

Exclusionary Criteria:

Primary Substance Use Disorders, Primary Dementia, Primary Intellectual Disability and Autism.

Language Services:

English and Spanish. Translation services are available for patients who speak a language other than English and Spanish.

Get connected to care

Please call 718-904-4476 or email

Patients with no insurance can be set up on a sliding fee scale with proof of income.