General Surgery

Clinical Services

The Division of General Surgery at Montefiore evaluates and treats the full range of general surgery problems from common conditions such as hernias and gall bladder surgeries to the most complex such as advanced pancreatic and liver diseases. Our surgeons offer highly specialized expertise and skill that result in excellent outcomes and exceptional patient care. The division is led by W. Scott Melvin, MD, a nationally recognized clinical specialist and researcher on pancreatic diseases.

In addition to excellence in traditional open surgery, Montefiore is a leader in minimally invasive surgery. Montefiore develops and adopts new approaches in surgical performance to provide our patients with superior results and minimal inconvenience. For example, we are one of the few hospitals across the nation offering natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) to relieve gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) for patients who would otherwise be on medication their entire lives.

We offer exceptional treatment for the following conditions:

General Surgery/Acute Care Surgery

  • Acute general surgery cases
  • Benign biliary tract disease
  • Abdominal hernias
  • Benign soft tissue masses

Colorectal Surgery

Endocrine Surgery

Melanoma and Sarcoma

Minimally Invasive and Bariatric Surgery

Pancreas and Upper GI Surgery

  • Esophageal disease (dysplasia and malignant)
  • Gastric cancer- adenocarcinoma/GIST
  • Pancreatic Disease
  • Small bowel tumors
  • Peritoneal surface malignancy
  • Hepatic Perfusion